Thursday, November 1, 2012

NHS interview questions: Healthcare Interview Questions and Answers

The National Health Service offers many areas of professional jobs and expertise starting from emergency response crew members, doctors, dental care, midwifery, nursing and medical assistance to a variety of other healthcare services such as – medical science and management.
Apart from the doctors and the surgeons, the NHS, the medical fraternity also has the Nursing and Healthcare professionals, who basically look after the patient and their needs, while nursing them back to good health.
This article provides the frequently asked interview questions for NHS positions and provides suggested answers for the same.

NHS interview tips: Healthcare interview tips

The NHS fraternity is one of the most important fraternities in the world, and is an important cog in the wheel of the medical profession. Therefore, an interview for the NHS is quite a detailed one and may cover the following types of interview questions:
• Qualifications, skills and questions about professional experience
• Behavioral based questions - situational interview questions
• Competency based questions and questions about career choice.
You can also refer to the category: medical interview questions for more information.

NHS interview: Healthcare interview questions and answers

Below are common interview questions:
1. What are your educational qualifications? How many years of experience do you have in healthcare fields?
Most of the professions today rely heavily on the educational qualifications that a person has. The more the complexity of the job, the more the importance of the educational qualifications exists.
In critical positions of NHS jobs, it is extremely important that the person should have the relevant educational qualifications as well as the required skills and experience.
Therefore, when asked this question, you should answer thoroughly and make sure that you give an accurate answer.
2. What would your core competencies be, when it comes to NHS Jobs?
There are several aspects to a job, some more important than the other. Therefore, sometimes, when there are several options for a job, one may be asked the question about the core competencies that one possesses for the job. The answer to this question becomes crucial when there are several people who have been finalized for a job, but there can be only one of very few hiring for the said position.
3. Have you ever been through an emergency situation? What position did you handle during the emergency situation?
Each job profile has their panic situations, and only the ones who can handle these situations actually stand out as professionals. Therefore, it is necessary for the initial interview to find out whether the person has experienced any such situation.
While answering such a question, remember that the situation should not be over hyped by you, and that you should include in your answer the lesson learned from a given situation.
4. Do you consider yourself to be social? Can you tell us of a time when you used your social skills to help the patients?
A nurse has to be pleasant and lively as well as trained and experienced to look after the patients. A grumpy nurse is every hospital’s nightmare, and would not find many options for gainful employment.
Since being pleasant and patient are key responsibilities of a nurse, there will be enough incidents where you have used your social skills to handle a medical situation.
Make sure that you give a truthful and accurate description of the times, so that your interview will also have you come across as a person who has all the required requisites for being good medical personnel.
5. Could you tell us of a time when you used your leadership skills to handle a situation?
While leadership is thrust upon and pursued by some people, some people are natural leaders, who just need to say something to be heard out. These individuals come out and are recognized only during a time of urgency or grave problems.
Therefore, make sure that if you have any such experience; share it with the interviewer.
6. What is the best aspect that you like about your job?
A NHS jobs are quite different from other jobs. These are the jobs where a human being is actually the part of the jobs.
Therefore, if asked such a question, the safest answer would be to ‘interact with people and nurse them to good health’.
These are some of the questions asked during a NHS interview.


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